I am a bird


Monday, February 26, 2007

Web Hosting...

As the days are progessing so does technologies. Everyday we came to know about something new. Im not from the IT background,and for me it seems to be quite interesting. Recently, i got a call from one Web Hosting Company which offer me to host a website on thier server.

My site is already hosted by some other company but i never thought that this catogory can also be so compititive. Frankly saying i never thought about this way. But that call make me think about certain issues like, spamming, web space, control panel, mail spaces and many other thing that you get along with all these.And many things i just heard about first time.

It seems like, how unaware i was about the things going at technology front. I ask for their website to go through the details and now the whole issue is handled by the IT department of the Company.

Just wanna share with you the LINK of that site, may be somebody might get something interesting.

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posted by Shruti at 6:33 AM


nice link..
even I was a bit new to certain terms. Now it is fine.

how are you?

11:27 PM  


5:11 AM  

by your website u mean blog???

10:13 PM  

I am actually using a site called hostmonster.com to host some of my blogs, and so far everything seems hunky dory, so let's see what happens.

10:26 AM  

Hey, even I am learning new things of this trade , i.e the It industry. had to learn html etc. etc.

You own a website?

1:15 AM  

nice layout :)
I wish I could have one.

10:22 PM  

This comment has been removed by the author.

11:47 PM  

Don't we all keep learning new stuff? ;-)
Informative post!

P.S> I hate it when Blogger retains any deleted comment.
XYZ said...
This post has been removed by the author

11:49 PM  

thx for sharing it.

10:30 PM  

this tempalete is soooo beautiful!!!
loved it :)

6:26 AM  

Just in case my comment caused some confusion:
1. You can host your blogs on many blogging sites such as blogger and wordpress (very familiar)
2. You can buy your domain, and buy a hosting package from any hosting company. This hosting package will typically allow you to host a number of different types of services such as blogs, discussions, etc. So, for the following site, http://www.ashisha.com/consumer, I bought the website ashisha.com, got a hosting package from hostmonster.com, and then installed a wordpress blogging software, and was easily able to setup my own blog.

4:56 AM  

great layout, will soon chk the link!

10:33 PM  

Good link. Will try it out when I create a website of my own. Thanks. How r u?

9:53 AM  

thank u for visiting my mind & ur nice comment

7:51 PM  

cute blog!! will be back!!

7:55 AM  

yeh frankly speaking its very interesting feild... as one move ahead we like to learn more and more....

10:08 AM  

Hi, thanks for the advise. I have kind of stopped thiking abt it.
Very lovely layout you have.:)

3:08 AM  

well are you building your own site? Ya it comes with many things, but choose only the things you want. I mean I don't use the email that was given through my domain.

6:58 PM  

Thanx for ur comment upon mah blog shruti.
Do keep comin back.
U've got a nice blog here.

Peace & Love

9:51 AM  

hmmm...Technology, frankly speaking, is changing everyday & it is affecting our lives someway or the other, so it's better we adapt to it sooner than the later.

You also have a lovely blog out here:)

1:04 AM  


good to know that you've interest in such things. I am from IT background. though i recently started blogging... and the best part is that it gives you positive strokes... stregth... confidence...

keep it up...and good luck...

take care

3:49 AM  

interesting..i am technologically challenged and I understand how mind numbing it is to see technology growing...the way it has become a part of our lives..i used to check my mail once a week till sometime back and now its like twice a day...all my frnds are online and thts how we keep in touch its cheap and fast...nd then ther r blogs to sort of exchange ideas and express urself..its wnderful...

10:51 AM  

Hey Shruti.
Lagta hai ur too busy? No post from a long time!

Chalo. Keep writing!

God Bless.

4:24 AM  

hmm if you have personal blog .why dont you need hosting .. btw always get hosting from reputed service providor to avoid hassle of bandwidth issues and server maintainance etc

4:18 AM  

hmm if you have personal blog .why dont you need hosting .. btw always get hosting from reputed service providor to avoid hassle of bandwidth issues and server maintainance etc

4:18 AM  

hey shruti, saw your posting at my blogspot url; that's more for trial postings...
visit http://chitgo.nomadlife.org

6:13 AM  

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